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Outreach and recruitment toolkit

a group of students looking at a science experiment

This toolkit includes resources to help department staff, faculty and student clubs, communities, and competition groups facilitate engineering outreach and recruitment efforts.

The College of Engineering believes collaborative teams of engineers with diverse identities, backgrounds, and experiences can solve our society's biggest challenges. We recognize that students from underserved backgrounds (womxn, people with disabilities, and underrepresented minorities, and people of color) have been excluded from the fields of engineering as a result of historical and current systemic barriers. The College is committed to expanding access to Washington state residents by expanding our presence in K-12 schools, community, and technical colleges and providing more pathways into the College.

A step-by-step guide to outreach and recruitment


    Step 1: Plan an activity

    When choosing an activity, consider the intersection between the needs and interests of the target population and the depth and relevancy of content. Ensure you’re familiar with UW youth engagement policies and planning for any special requirements, for example, youth safety training and requirements before working with minors.

    plan an activity resources

    Already have an activity in mind or are currently engaged in an outreach activity?

    If you have a plan for or are currently involved in an outreach activity serving youth, please refer to the Policy Quick Reference Checklist to ensure compliance with the university’s guidelines and complete the College of Engineering Outreach & Recruitment Activities Survey.


    Step 2: Consider partnering with an organization

    Based on your target audience, whether you are performing outreach or recruitment, and the chosen activity, connect with a closely related community organization, UW program(s), and/or schools to maximize your impact.

    List of partners


    Step 3: Review and ensure compliance with policies on working with youth

    APS 10.13 applies to all programs, activities, and research operated or sponsored by the University of Washington that are created for, or directed at, a youth audience. Activities may take place on campus, off campus or virtually/online. All UW sponsored (RSO activities must follow Third-Party policies) youth programs must be registered in the UW Youth Program system. Click here to let us know about your UW sponsored activity.

    Policies and procedures Register Youth Program


    Step 4: Conduct activity and complete post-activity survey

    Once you have completed your activity, please complete College of Engineering Outreach & Recruitment Activities Survey.

    Complete survey