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Policies for working with youth

A UW student speaking to a youth

The College of Engineering is committed to compliance with the Administrative Policy Statement 10.13 Requirements for University and Third Party Led Youth Programs. This policy protects the well-being of youth (i.e., individuals under age 18) involved in UW programs, activities, events, and research, and safeguards them against harm. It is everyone’s responsibility to protect youth from harm. Those who have interactions with youth as part of their UW duties must follow the specific requirements.

See Policy Quick Reference Checklist.

Youth @ UW resources

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Those who have interactions with youth as part of their UW duties

Youth A.P.S

Requirements for University and Third Party Led Youth Programs

Third parties include contractors, consultants, vendors, student-run organizations, or other non-UW entities with a contractual relationship or other formal partnership with a University department or unit.

RSOs (Third parties) who wish to sponsor events/activities on University property with youth

RSO Policy Guide on Sponsorship of Activities Involving Youth Using University Facilities requirements

RSO who wishes to sponsor an activity on University property that involves youth (people under the age of 18) as a primary audience must receive a recommendation from their SAO Adviser and have their event reviewed by the Office for Youth Programs Development and Support. RSOs must meet or exceed the requirements of UW Administrative Policy Statement 10.13.

All UW and third party led youth programs are required to register with the YPRS

Youth Programs Registration System information (YRPS)

The YPRS supports youth protection at UW by collecting information about the many youth programs at, and affiliated with, UW. This information allows us to provide youth programs with better educational information and support, thereby ensuring high quality, safe programming.

Guidance during COVID for University operated or hosted youth programsOperational Guidance for UW Youth Programs During COVID-19

Hosting minors in labs and shops

This resource is meant to be an aid to assist faculty who wish to host minors in their lab outside of a formal University of Washington program. UW Environmental, Health & Safety. It is not intended to provide legal advice.

For help withCheck out
Policy guidelines for hosting minors in UW Labs and MakerspacesUW Administrative Policy Statement 10.9: Visitors and Children in University Labs and Shops
Safety guidelines for operating youth programs at UW in the areas of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM), informed by federal and state laws and University policies.Safety Considerations for Youth in STEM Environments
Safety guidelines for hosting minors in UW Labs

UW Laboratory Safety Manual: section on Children and Minors

Developed by Environmental Health & Safety. Section C.1.i. (Page 1-9) addresses restrictions on minors in labs. Includes exemptions for student learners age 16-17, including those enrolled at UW in credit-bearing academic courses

Third Party APS 10.13 Check-list

  • Program registration in the UW Youth Program Registration
  • Background screenings for staff with unsupervised access to, or responsibility for, youth
  • Staff training on safely interacting with youth and reporting suspected child abuse and neglect
  • Staff conduct expectations
  • Reporting violations of conduct expectations and suspected child abuse and neglect
  • Maintaining a safe environment
  • Emergency and safety planning and response
  • Privacy practices for handling youth data


Program registration will be completed by your University hosting department (i.e. the department with which you have a contractual relationship/formal partnership). Third parties are not responsible for registration, nor have access to the UW Youth Program Registration System.

RSOs are required to review and follow the RSO Policy Guide: Interactions with Minors (Youth).

References for general safety guidelines

Questions on Youth Safety and APS 10.13?

Reach out to the Office of the Youth Protection Coordinator, or book a consultation.

Learn more