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CoE grant and contract proposal preparation

Indirect Cost Rates (Facilities and Administrative Costs or F&A)

See GIM 13


Projecting salary increases

It is recommended that departments use 4% annual inflation for salaries, unless sponsor policy exists. Follow all sponsor guidance that may apply.

Employee benefit rates

See GIM 3. These are also available via SAGE Budget when preparing an eGC1 to submit a sponsored research or training proposal to The Office of Sponsored Programs.

RA salaries Schedule 1 only

RA salaries Schedule 1 only

Salary/monthly rate, 50% FTE

See RA Schedules on the UW Graduate School's website.

Graduate operating fees (Tuition)

Graduate operating fees are excluded from the indirect costs calculation per the MTDC (Modified Total Direct Cost) base on sponsored projects. Operating fees do not include building, technology, services and accounting fees.

College of Engineering graduate operating fees are Graduate Tier II, based on resident tuition and vary by program. Note that not all sponsors pay tuition (check the terms of the proposal).


  • Project increases at 5% annually. Summer tuition is always negotiated at a different rate than the academic year. (There is no official UW policy as yet on ANY tuition projections.)
  • When including the operating portion of tuition for graduate student research assistants in your proposal budget, the correct terminology to use is "Graduate Operating Fee." These numbers do NOT include various additional fees which are prohibited from federal research grants.
  • For detailed tuition and fees, including Tier I, II, and III amounts, or for general information on UW tuition and projections, visit UW Office of Planning & Budgeting.

Principal Investigator eligibility

Employees holding an eligible title that meet certain criteria are eligible to serve as a Principal Investigator.

Learn more about the requirements and process.

Equipment thresholds

All sponsors (federal sponsors and non-federal): $5,000 per unit


Useful websites: