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Private and foundation funding

Private foundations are a valuable source of research funding for faculty in the College of Engineering.

There are two main resources for foundation funding:

Funding early careers

For a list of foundation programs intended for late postdoc investigators and new faculty, particularly those at or below the rank of Assistant Professor, search the Corporate and Foundation Funding opportunities and filter by "Early career".

Current funding opportunities

You can find a list of foundation funding opportunities updated weekly on Corporate and Foundation Funding opportunities. For a list of limited submission opportunities, please visit the Office of Research website.

For more information or for assistance, please contact engineering’s Corporate and Foundation Relations (CFR) Office.

Other funding-related areas the CFR team can assist with

  • Understanding how and why companies and foundations work with the College.
  • Identify potential corporate and foundation funders and partners.
  • Connect with the right people and make your best case for support.
  • Sustain positive, productive relationships with your corporate and foundation partners.