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Temporary pay increases

All temporary pay increases for professional and classified staff require both Dean’s Office and central approval.

There are two types of temporary pay increases that can be utilized to pay an employee for any additional duties outside of their job description:

Temporary pay types

Temporary Pay Increase (TPI)

A professional staff employee who temporarily assumes additional responsibilities for ten or more working days may receive a temporary pay increase (TPI) of at least five (5%) percent over their current salary. It is also an acceptable means of temporarily paying a professional staff employee for increased workload/duties at the same level if temporary is at least ten working days in duration. A TPI requires advance approval of the Integrated Service Center (ISC) or the Compensation office.

Temporary Salary Increase (TSI)

Used specifically for contract classified staff. Supervisors may temporarily assign a classified non-union or contract classified employee the duties of a higher-level classified or professional staff position. The employee is paid at least a five percent (5%) increase above their current salary but no higher than the maximum of the range for the higher classification.


  • When you have identified a need for a TPI or TSI:
    • Work with CoE HR to determine percentage and justification.
    • Enter the request into Workday, including a detailed description of the additional work and complexity in the comments section.
  • TPI and TSI will route in Workday for approvals.
  • After the request has been approved in Workday, the supervisor will send a notification of approval noting the additional duties to the employee. Use the Temporary Pay/Salary Increase template for the notification.


  • Must assume the additional duties for at least ten (10) working days.
  • A detailed justification must be provided for all temporary pay increases. The information should include the type of work to be done and dates assigned the additional duties.
  • In the College of Engineering, we see a range of TPI percentages based on the nature of the additional work. Based on the additional responsibilities, complexity, amount of time, etc., we see TPIs between 5-15%. Examples of different TPI and TSI scenarios and appropriate percentages are listed below.
  • After a TPI or TSI is approved, a notification must be provided to the employee, outlining the details of the temporary pay increase.
  • Add all documentation related to the TPI or TSI to employee’s Maintain Worker Documents section in Workday. UW Compensation can verify that the unit has correctly entered the salary allowance.

Examples of use

Temporary Pay Increase

  • Employee takes on additional duties to cover for another employee who is out on an extended leave (i.e., parental leave, medical leave). Because of the nature of the leave and the amount of additional work, a 15% TPI would be appropriate.
  • Employees assume additional duties after another employee has resigned from their position. The TPI should run until the recruitment process has been completed. Given the number of additional duties a 15% TPI would be appropriate.
  • An employee who works on a special project that requires only a few hours a week. A TPI should be determined based on the amount of work or hours that the project entails, a 5-10% TPI may be appropriate.

Temporary Salary Increase

  • Fiscal Specialist 1 (SEIU 925) (B4, Range 40, Step F, $3,757/monthly) takes on the duties of Fiscal Specialist 2 (SEIU 925) (B4, Range 44) while they are out on maternity leave. The FS1 may have an increase up to the same level (Range 44) of an FS2 while they are assigned additional duties.
    • Because 5% of the FS1’s pay is $113, the minimum rate they can be paid is $3,870. This rate falls between Range 44, Steps C ($3,845) and D ($3,936), which means the rate of the TSI for the FS1 is at Range 44, Step D.
  • Program Coordinator (SEIU 925) takes over additional duties while the unit recruits a new Assistant to the Dean. Work with HR and budget management to determine the appropriate TSI rate within the Assistant to the Dean salary range.
    • The minimum that a Program Coordinator at Step A (B4, Range 42, $3,500) can be paid would be $3,605, which is 5% above their current rate.