Academic support
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CHEM 110 CHEM 142/152/162 CHEM 145/155/165 | Chemistry Study Center TAs assist with introductory chemistry courses in a collaborative space where students typically sit together based on the course they need help with. Location: Bagley Hall room 330 |
MATH 120, 124, 125, 126 | Math Study Center A comfortable place and a supportive atmosphere to study in groups or individually. Tutors (grad student TAs and advanced undergrads) will sit down and answer questions. Location: Communications Building room B-014 |
PHYS 114/115/116 PHYS 121/122/123 | Physics Study Center A place for students to work cooperatively on Physics problems. TAs circulate from table to table to assist groups stuck on an issue and then move on. Location: Phys/Astronomy Building A room AM018 (lower level) |
STAT 220, 221, 311, 390, 391 QMETH 201 EDPSYCH 490 PSYCH 315, 317, 318 SOC/CS&SS 221 INDE 315 QSCI 381 | Statistics Tutor & Study Center Drop-in tutoring for all students enrolled in UW introductory statistics courses. Many faculty and TAs hold office hours in the center as well. Location: Communications Bldg room B023 |
General academic support | CLUE Center for Learning & Undergraduate Enrichment
Location: Mary Gates Hall Commons Instructional Center A comprehensive academic support center focused on supporting under-represented minority, first-generation college and economically disadvantaged students. Location: 1307 NE 40th St |
Support for engineering courses | Engineering Academic Center (EAC) Workshops, learning communities, informal study sessions, drop-in tutoring and a relaxed place to study. Location: Loew Hall |
Support for students with disabilities | AccessComputing Learn from some participants in projects supported by the DO-IT center at the University of Washington about their experiences and recommendations for other students with disabilities who are taking online courses. More info: AccessComputing website Disability Resources for Students (DRS) DRS is dedicated to ensuring access and inclusion for all students with disabilities. Students partner with our office to establish services for their access and inclusion on campus. More info: DRS website Disabilities Opportunities Internetworking Technology (DO-IT ) DO-IT encourages individuals with disabilities to take on challenging academic programs and careers by promoting the use of technology to increase independence and productivity. More info: DO-IT website |
Writing and Research — any and all phases | Odegaard Writing and Research Center Peer tutors and librarians help on any project in all aspects of writing: understanding an assignment, research, brainstorming, outlining, drafting, and revising. Location: Odegaard Undergraduate Library room 326 |
Community and inclusive support
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A home away from home | Samuel E. Kelly Ethnic Cultural Center The Kelly ECC is an inclusive and affirming space that cultivates a transformative student experience. We serve and empower historically marginalized and underrepresented students by providing educational and cultural opportunities for holistic development. Location: 3931 Brooklyn Avenue NE |
Finding a community of peers | College of Engineering Student Affinity Groups Diversity- and inclusion-focused societies and groups that participate in mentoring, networking, research, events and other activities. More info: Culture, Identity & community orgs |
Bias, discrimination or harassment | Reporting an incident of bias, discrimination or harassment A tool for any member of the UW community to report incidents of bias or violations of UW nondiscrimination policies. Report an incident |
General wraparound support | Office of Minority Affairs & Diversity (OMAD) Academic Counseling Services OMAD promotes academic success and graduation for under-represented ethnic minority, economically disadvantaged, and first-generation college students at the University of Washington. Location: Mary Gates Hall room 141 |
Mental health, emotional support
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Stress, anxiety, coping skills, support, … | Counseling Center Student support services for the challenges of life. Confidential individual counseling, group counseling, workshops, light therapy, crisis services, and more. Location: Schmitz Hall room 401 Husky HelpLine Husky HelpLine is available to support you to same-day access to a Licensed Mental Health Counselor. Location: Schmitz Hall room 401 |
Drop-in consultations | Let’s Talk Confidential student support service. Locations: Odegaard Library room 222, Q Center, Ethnic Cultural Center, and Mary Gates Hall room 134E |
English language learner support
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English language proficiency | Support for the study of college writing Options and direction for students who can benefit from additional language support. Location: various |
Study spaces and labs
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A quiet place to study or work on a computer | Engineering Student Computer Lab Open to all engineering students. The lab has 36 workstations in an open room, plus 3 small rooms for groups of up to 4 students to work collaboratively around 1 computer with a 46-inch monitor. More info: Engineering Student Computer Lab website |