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Externship program

The CC@E Externship Program is an explorative learning opportunity that takes place over spring break. Students will spend one to two days at a host company, shadowing industry professionals and engaging in activities that will enable them to learn about different engineering fields and positions.

Benefits of participating

During the externship, you will gain practical experience in engineering and develop professional skills that will help you navigate future searches for internships or jobs. You will also have the opportunity to learn what it is like to work in an engineering environment, as well as build a network of industry contacts.

Program details


Externships will take place during spring break.


All undergraduate engineering students are eligible, but priority will be given to first- and second-year students and incoming transfer students. Space is limited.


You are required to attend a one-day workshop held in winter quarter to prepare for your externship. In addition, you must complete pre-work assignments.

You must participate in the full duration of the externship program, actively engaging in the activities provided by the host companies

The externship is unpaid and not for credit. You are responsible for any costs (e.g., travel, meals) that may incur throughout your participation in the program.

Application process

Applications open during autumn quarter. Complete the online application form and submit your resume. CC@E staff may contact you to learn more about your interests and prior experiences. You will be notified in January if you have been accepted.

If you have any questions about the program, email us at

Externship timeline

Student application cycleNovember
CC@E review and matchingDecember - January
Student preparation (pre-workshop & assignments)February - March
ExternshipSpring Break (March)
Celebration breakfastApril