Bhuvana Srinivasan
Associate Professor, Aeronautics & Astronautics
Research focus
Plasma-based space propulsion, fusion energy, high-energy-density plasmas, space and astrophysical plasmas, computational plasma and fluid dynamics

Zachary Sherman
Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering
Research focus
Soft materials, colloids and nanoparticles, self-assembly, transport phenomena, electromagnetism, molecular simulation, applied mathematics

Christie Hegermiller
Assistant Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering
Research focus
Ocean waves, sediment transport, coastal processes

Natasha Jaques
Assistant Professor, Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering
Research focus
Deep reinforcement learning, multi-agent reinforcement learning, reinforcement learning from human feedback, human-AI interaction, social learning

Baris Kasikci
Associate Professor, Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering
Research focus
Datacenter applications, systems support for heterogeneous platforms, computer architecture, hardware security

Pang Wei Koh
Assistant Professor, Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering
Research focus
Machine learning, natural language processing

R. Benjamin Shapiro
Associate Professor, Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering
Research focus
Computing Education Research (CER) and Learning Sciences (LS)

Jungwon Choi
Assistant Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
Research focus
Power electronics and sustainable energy, power semiconductor devices, control systems, magnetic designs

Hossein Naghavi
Assistant Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
Research focus
Millimeter-wave and terahertz integrated circuit design

Katya Cherukumilli
Assistant Professor, Human Centered Design & Engineering
Research focus
Drinking water treatment, water quality engineering, environmental chemistry, technology design and implementation

Chiwoo Park
Professor, Industrial & Systems Engineering
Research focus
Machine learning, digital twin, smart manufacturing, AI-driven scientific discovery, autonomous experimentation, materials/biomedical imaging

Charles Marcus
Professor, Materials Science & Engineering
Research focus
Condensed matter physics, quantum coherent electronics, quantum matter, qubits, quantum chaos, complexity, topology in condensed matter

Joe Powers
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Research focus
Cellular biomechanics, molecular and cellular biophysics of muscle function, cardiovascular disease

Feini (Sylvia) Qu
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Research focus
Tissue regeneration, stem cells, gene editing

Jennifer Robinson
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Research focus
Polymeric biomaterials, cell mechanics, tissue engineering

Shijing Sun
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Research focus
Materials informatics, human-artificial intelligence collaboration, clean energy technologies
New Associate Teaching Professors

Robbie Wong
Teaching focus
Drug development, molecular targets and drug classes, capstone projects
Pharm.D. Pharmacy, University of California San Francisco, 1983
Biology, University of California Davis, 1979
Robbie Wong continues her work with Bioengineering in her new role as an associate teaching professor. Wong is the director of the Pharmaceutical Bioengineering master’s program and has taught in the department for more than a decade. In addition to her classroom focus on pharmaceuticals and guiding students through their capstone projects, she has advocated for a predoctoral program devoted to inclusive and equitable leadership in health technology innovations.

Nathan Brunelle
Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering
Research focus
Applications of automata theory for special-purpose computing architectures, computing education
Ph.D. Computer Science, University of Virginia, 2017
M.CS. Computer Science, University of Virginia, 2013
B.A. Computer Science and Mathematics, University of Virginia, 2011
Nathan Brunelle joins the Allen School as an associate teaching professor from the University of Virginia, where he was an assistant professor and undergraduate research coordinator. At UVA, Brunelle’s research focused on the applications of automata theory for special-purpose computing architectures. At the UW, he will focus on computing education and creating an environment of academic honesty for students in computing and foundational mathematics.
New Assistant Teaching Professors

Miya Natsuhara
Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering
Teaching focus
Introductory computer science, discrete mathematics applied to computer science, algorithms, compilers
M.S. Computer Science, University of Washington, 2020
B.S. Computer Science, University of Washington, 2018
B.A. Mathematics, University of Washington, 2018
Miya Natsuhara joined the Allen School this summer as an assistant teaching professor from Microsoft, where she worked as a software engineer in their Visual C++ Libraries team. She teaches Introduction to Programming and related courses at the undergraduate level. At the UW, Natsuhara plans to introduce more students to opportunities in computer science and give apprehensive students the confidence to see computer science as a possibility in their future.

Matthew Wang
Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering
Teaching focus
Computer science education, digital accessibility, ethics in computer education, software tooling, programming languages
M.S. Computer Science, University of California Los Angeles, 2023
B.S. Computer Science and Math-Economics, University of California Los Angeles, 2023
Matt Wang joins the Allen School in September after receiving his M.S. from the University of California, Los Angeles, where he researched probabilistic programming languages and integrated ethics to computing education. He maintains the online tools Just the Docs and Stylelint, which help with documentation and preventing coding errors. At the UW, Wang plans to advance accessibility and ethics in computing, broaden participation in computing, and support student organizations.

Arpita B
Human Centered Design & Engineering
Research focus
Qualitative research methods, human centered design methods, technology for mental health
Ph.D. Human Centered Design, University of Washington, 2020
M.S. Computer Science, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2015
B.Eng. Computer Engineering, Mumbai University, 2013
Arpita joined Human Centered Design & Engineering this winter as an assistant teaching professor after receiving her Ph.D. from the department in 2020. Her research explores technology use for mental health and trauma-informed design. Arpita teaches and mentors students in design and research methods. She is the recipient of the Graduate Award for Leadership and Engagement from the University of Washington.

Alan Marks
Human Centered Design & Engineering
Teaching focus
Human-computer Interaction, user research and user-centered design, technical communication and writing, organizational teamwork
M.S. Technical Communication, University of Washington, 1992
B.A. Psychology, University of Pennsylvania, 1984
Alan Marks joined Human Centered Design & Engineering after receiving his M.S. from the department and serving as a lecturer for a number of years. Marks has worked in industry for over 30 years as a UX professional, business and technical leader and most recently, CTO of a company dedicated to improving elementary math education. Marks lectures for the User-Centered Design Certificate and teaches courses in technical writing, organizational teamwork and user research.