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Network support

Windows Domain

All PCs that we support are part of our Windows Active Directory domain. All domain users have access to file storage space on our file server via their "My Documents" folder. Files on the file server are regularly backed up and archived for 4 weeks.

We run the DNS server and maintain IP addresses for Loew Hall, part of Wilcox Hall, and part of the Aerospace Research Building.

In addition, we maintain a number of shared folders on the file server for workgroups within the Dean's Office and College Centers and Programs.

Mailing Lists

The College of Engineering Computer Services office manages the Mailman email list service. You may view a complete list of lists marked for "public view" at the Mailman List Info web site. Please note that subscription policies vary from list to list. You can view list moderator/owner information for each list at the bottom of each list's information page. Please direct all inquiries about list subscription policies, etc. to the list moderator/owner and not to the Computing Services Help Desk.

To set up a new mailing list, you must be a College of Engineering staff or faculty member, and the list must be used for College of Engineering business only.

Send the following information to

  • Preferred List Name (3-16 characters, no spaces)
  • List Moderator/Owner Name and Email Address (instructions and password will be sent to this person)

By default, lists are set up with the following options:

  • Only members may post
  • Non-member posts are held for approval by the moderator/owner
  • Moderator/owner's approval is required for new subscriptions
  • List messages are not archived
  • Message sizes are capped at 40 kilobytes (moderator/owner may approve exceptions)

Data Center services

The College of Engineering Data Center is located in Wilcox 60A. The Data Center is intended to support College computing systems that have exceptional space, power, and cooling requirements, such as server clusters. More info.

Department support policy

The COE Dean’s Office Computing Services team will provide limited, temporary, IT support to COE departments when their sole IT person is on vacation, or there has been a turnover in staffing and the department is in the process of hiring new IT staff.  Support is provided only when departments adhere to IT best practices as outlined below.

Departments shall at a minimum:

  • Transition and properly configure all student lab and administrative staff computers needing support to the department’s Delegated OU.
  • Department DNS and DHCP services are centralized using Departmental Delegated OU Dynamic DNS for Workstations service.
  • Department mailing lists are migrated to UW-IT’s Web-based “UW Mailman” email list manager.
  • No non-IT users are administrators of desktops unless there is a documented reason why they need to be.
  • Automated daily or at least weekly backups of all important data from desktops and servers to a backup service or server.

Support limitations:

  • Only MS Outlook email and Exchange calendaring (non-mobile) will be supported, no other clients.
  • Computing Services support is limited to administrative desktops and student labs. Research computing systems are not supported.
  • Major technical infrastructure deployments are paused until department IT staff are available.
  • Support of desktop printers and non-contracted printers are handled on a best effort basis.  We highly suggest departments reduce the number of desktop printers and move to centralized printing through UW’s managed print services.
  • Desktops and servers supported must be under manufacturer warranty, with purchase of extended warranty recommended.