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Computing services web support

What we do

The College of Engineering website is managed by CoE Computing Services (CoE-CS) and CoE Marketing & Communications (CoE-MarCom). The CoE-CS web team supports both the hardware and software needed for the web site. We can help you with:

  • Updating website content
  • Web forms and application development
  • Backups
  • Database access
  • Web Server access and permissions issues

The address should be used to contact the web support team.


The content (text, images, formatting, etc.) of individual web pages on the CoE web server is maintained by the Web Support team unless special privileges have been given to your business unit. If such privileges have been granted, the business unit will assume responsibility for maintaining currency of its own web pages.

We do not host research groups, faculty or student websites. Please inquire with UWT about hosting on UW Servers.

Application development

The Web Support team develops and supports applications and databases that serve either the Office of the Dean or all departments in the College. Examples of this are faculty recruitment, faculty search, undergraduate admissions, undergraduate scholarships and graduate assistantship offer letters.

If you have an idea for a web application that you feel would benefit the entire College, please contact us.

COE Web Server

The primary webserver runs on Apache/PHP/MySQL with Drupal as our content management system. Please check with the web support team if you are unsure of how to update pages or how to use HTML/PHP outside of the CMS.

We support shibboleth for UW NetID authentication. See UWT's resource pages for information on password-protecting a page or directory with shibboleth.

We provide a script to send the results of web forms via e-mail to a specified recipient. For more information using the script, please contact us.

There is a MySQL database server available; contact us to inquire about database access.

Data reports

CoE-CS maintain set of data reports for college finances. Please contact for access to this data.

Department websites

College of Engineering departments without the resources to manage a webserver can opt to host their web site on CoE-Computing Service's (CoE-CS) servers or on the UW Information Technology (UWIT) managed server.

The CoE-MarCom team is available to consult with departments on web site upgrades, including whether to implement a Drupal site or to stay with HTML files (e.g., using Dreamweaver). Web staff can also provide an orientation and introductory training on Drupal from a content creator/editor/publisher's perspective and provide tips based on our experience as issues arise. Limited production work by web staff on department web sites is the exception but may be available by separate arrangement.

Any department choosing to use our webserver must use the Drupal content management system for their website. CoE-CS will set up the initial empty Drupal site with our department template. Although CoE-CS may be able to assist beyond this, any changes to the template, creating and maintaining content will be the responsibility of the department. Any custom applications (PHP/MySQL) can be hosted, but will be the responsibility of the department. CoE-CS will review them for security.

If your department decides to host your website with CoE-CS, please keep in mind the following summary of responsibilities:

CoE-MarCom responsibilities

  • Consultation on platform choice
  • Introductory consultation on site architecture, design, accessibility, and UW and CoE web standards
  • Orientation to creating/editing/publishing in Drupal
  • Some assistance in troubleshooting as issues arise

CoE-CS responsibilities

  • Drupal (infrastructure) updates
  • Drupal modules (adding/updating)
  • Server maintenance & security
  • Backup

Department responsibilities

  • Adding/maintaining content
  • Changes to menus, Javascript actions, other changes from the standard Drupal template (CoE-CS & CoE-MarCom are available for advice and may assist in some situations).
  • User management
  • Custom (PHP/MySQL) applications (COE-CS will review for security)

Any questions or suggestions concerning the CoE website can be sent to