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Software: Tecplot

Sales and Terms | Downloads | Installation | Support | UWare Link

Tecplot is used by engineers and scientists who need to create a wide range of high-quality plots from simple XY plots to sophisticated 3-D plots from data sets of up to millions of data points. Many Tecplot users are post-processing data created by finite-difference and finite-element numerical simulations of physical processes like fluid dynamics, geophysics, structural dynamics, and electromagnetics.

Tecplot aids engineers and scientists in doing analyses, simulations, or experiments, and helps them explore their data and produce informative 2- and 3-D graphical representations of their data. Tecplot can also create presentation-quality plots and animations and prepare plots for the Web.

Sales and Terms

The University of Washington College of Engineering is licensed to distribute Tecplot under the following terms:

  • There is no fee
  • This software is provided "as is" with no support from College of Engineering staff.
  • You must have an appointment within the College of Engineering or be enrolled in a UW College of Engineering course to use the software.
  • The software is licensed on an annual basis and expires on August 31 each year. Users must re-visit this site to download new license files when the software expires.
  • Rights to use the software end when your affiliation with the UW College of Engineering ends.


Tecplot 360

Installation Notes

Windows Desktop

  1. During setup, you will be prompted to choose either a Network or Site license install. Choose "Site".
  2. During setup for each product you install, you will be prompted to enter the license number, which is L17697.

    This license number is used only for requesting support from
  3. Download the tecplot.ste license key [right-click, choose Save As...] and save it to the location you specified as the Destination Directory during the Tecplot setup (i.e. the directory that contains the Tecplot application files) [You may need to overwrite an existing blank file in this location]
    1. tecplot.ste for Tecplot 360
    2. tecplot.ntb for Tecplot 360

Windows/Mac/Linux Laptops

  1. During setup, you will be prompted to choose either a Network or Site license install. Choose "Site". (Windows Only)
  2. During setup for each product you install, you will be prompted to enter the license number, which is L17697.

    This license number is used only for requesting support from
  3. Download the tecplot.ntb license key [right-click, choose Save As...] and save it to the location you specified as the Destination Directory (Windows) or TEC100HOME or TEC360HOME variable (Mac/Nix). See installation instructions for details.
    1. tecplot.ntb for Tecplot 360

Mac/*Nix Desktops

  1. During setup for each product you install, you will be prompted to enter the license number, which is L17697.

    This license number is used only for requesting support from
  2. Download the tecplot.ntb license key [right-click, choose Save As...]
    1. tecplot.ntb for Tecplot 360
  3. Save the license key to directory you specified as the TEC100HOMEor TEC360HOME variable (see installation instructions for details)


Users may receive support from Tecplot's support web site or by contact Tecplot at