We have found that no matter how much you want to analyze with the girls what they learned from the activity, it is incredibly difficult to grab their focus after letting them loose with something hands-on. We do the PowerPoint presentations first, and while one presenter is getting the supplies ready, the other is introducing the activity and the principles behind it. You can bring the girls back together for a few short minutes of lively question and answer. The giveaways, or SWAG, will be helpful here to bribe the girls' attention, especially at the younger level.
We have also put together "Activity Kits." The coordinator puts these kits together with all the supplies needed for a visit. The presenters check out the kits when they go on a visit and return them after. This way, the coordinator can replenish the kits with the necessary supplies so they are always ready and there is only one person handling reimbursement rather than each group of presenters. Below you will find shopping lists for the kits for each activity. |