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Resources to help you make the most of CoE's and UW's visual libraries, collaborate with University Photography, and prioritize inclusive photography.

Libraries Resources FAQs

Photo libraries


    CoE Photo Collection

    The CoE maintains a SmugMug site to organize and share our photo library. These photos are available for use on College of Engineering and UW platforms and properties. For permission on outside media, please contact us:


    UW Visual Asset Collection

    This SmugMug site provides free photography and video downloads for use by UW faculty, staff and students for official UW use. All content is provided in the original size, highest resolution and largest format we have on file. University of Washington owns the copyright to all media on this site. To learn how to use the database please visit the About Page.

College of engineering builiding exterior next to a fountain in winter

Photography resources

Frequently asked questions

Please cite photos with the photographer name noted on the folder.

University Marketing and Communications has its own photo asset collection.

We would be happy to add any photos or videos you would like to make available, as deemed appropriate to our audience. Please use this form to share your images and details for the College of Engineering’s Photo Collection.

Most of our older photos and some event photos are archived or require a password to access. Please contact us if you are looking for photos from a specific shoot or event.

Navigating the site

There are many ways to find photos on our site.

To find the most recent photos, look at the top of the page. Folders are organized alphabetically, and galleries are organized by date.

If you’re looking for a specific subject or topic, use the keyword search at the top right corner of any page. Keywords are often one word (i.e. search: students, research). Keywords do not include special characters (i.e. “A&A” is “AA”) and are all lowercase, with the exception of capitalizing proper nouns and acronyms. For best results, use multiple search terms separated by commas. For example: students, club, robotics.

Each gallery includes a description at the top of the page. Gallery descriptions will include the photographer, department/center, location, subject names if known, and a short description.

To learn more about a photo’s details, double click on the image and choose "photo details" from the left-hand menu.

If you cannot find the photos you’re looking for, contact us. Remember, photos are archived after 3 years and should not be used.


To download an entire gallery, you will find a download icon on the right side of your screen under the title. Once the gallery has downloaded, you will be able to open the zip file and export it to your preferred location. All content downloaded is in the highest resolution and largest format.

If you would like to download single images, view the media in the preview mode and click the download icon on the left side of the browser window. Once the file has downloaded, you will be able to open it and save it to your preferred location.

Usage policy

Please be considerate when using and sharing images within this database.

Portraits of students, faculty, staff, and other UW persons are available on the database and have signed a photo release waiver stored with the original file owner.

Photos of donors, community leaders, or other non-UW employed or non-UW attending persons require additional passwords and permission for viewing.

Have photos to add to our page?

Please use this form to submit your photos.